Students walking



Academic scholarships and need-based aid comes in all forms and sizes. 查德隆州立大学通过提供各种奖学金和学费减免来帮助你支付大学费用. 


Incoming Freshmen


  1. Apply for admission at Chadron State College
  2. Submit a digital copy of your high school transcript.
  3. 提交ACT或SAT成绩可能会为您提供额外的奖学金机会.
  4. 奖学金将优先考虑在3月1日之前完成申请流程的学生.

Merit Scholarship Requirements:

Scholarship Qualifications Amount
President Scholars 3.95 to 4.0 Cumulative Unweighted GPA $7,000/year
Dean Scholars 3.5 to 3.94 Cumulative Unweighted GPA $2,000/year
Community Scholars 3.00 to 3.49 Cumulative Unweighted GPA $1,500/year
State College Tuition Guarantee

The State College Tuition Guarantee 确保符合佩尔资格的居民和非居民学生可以免费就读查德伦州立大学. 该项目适用于夏德龙州立学院的新生和转学生.

申请本科学位的合格大一新生和转学生将获得联邦助学金, state or private grants, college tuition scholarships, 或大学基金会奖学金,以填补佩尔助学金后留下的学费缺口. 国家大学担保不包括额外的费用,如食宿、书本费和其他费用. However, 在提供学费支持时,不考虑外部“外部”奖学金,这些奖学金可以用于支付这些额外费用. 

To qualify, students must:

  • 被指定为查德伦州立大学的新生或即将转学的新生
  • Be admitted to Chadron State College
  • Be Pell Grant eligible as determined by the FAFSA.
  • 请在4月1日之前完成FAFSA,以便优先考虑州立大学学费担保.
  • 每学期至少注册12个学分,包括一个或多个校内课程.

只要学生仍然符合佩尔资格,保证最多可续签四年, in good academic standing, and continues as a full-time on-campus student.


Board of Trustees

The Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees provides competitive four-year, 内布拉斯加州高中毕业生,如果ACT/ SAT成绩达到25分或以上,或达到高中非加权平均绩点(GPA),表明学业优秀,计划就读查德伦大学,则免除最多18个学分的校园学费, Wayne or Peru State the following fall. A minimum 3.0 Unweighted GPA is required.

Students must enroll full-time with CSC and maintain a 3.25 cumulative grade point average to qualify for the renewal each year.

Career Scholarships

Awarded to Incoming Freshman and new Transfer Students

有18+ ACT成绩的学生计划主修以下领域之一将被考虑: 

  • Business Administration
  • Communication Arts
  • Education
  • Justice Studies
  • Rangeland Management

ACT/SAT成绩是必需的,职业奖学金的价值是每年2000 - 7000美元. 

Related to Alumni

查德龙州立校友会每年颁发两项500美元的奖学金. Applicants must have a relative who graduated from CSC. Return the application below to the Alumni Office by April 1st.

RHOP-Rural Health Opportunities Program

农村健康机会计划(RHOP)是一项由查德龙州立学院与美国卫生和社会服务部之间的合作协议 University of Nebraska Medical Center. 该计划的目的是招募和教育来自内布拉斯加州农村的高中生,他们将回到该州的农村地区实习. Please visit the RHOP Scholarship page for more information about this amazing opportunity. 

RBLI-Rural Business Leadership Initiative

农村商业领导计划的目的是为学生从事商业事业做好准备, 特别是在农村地区,并帮助该计划的毕业生在农村社区担任领导角色. Visit the RBLI Scholarship page for more information.

RLOP-Rural Law Opportunities Program

RLOP是一项由Chadron州立学院和内布拉斯加州大学法学院合作的项目,旨在招募未来的农村律师. 成功获得法律研究专业或辅修学士学位的申请人暂时被内布拉斯加州法学院录取. For more information, visit the CSC RLOP Scholarship Page
General CSC Scholarships, CSC Annual Scholarships, and CSC Endowments
For more information, please visit our Chadron State College Foundation page.
The following department scholarships require a separate application:

新入学学生的补充奖学金问卷将于11月15日提供th and should be completed by April 1 or as soon as possible.

查德龙州立学院根据学习领域提供各种竞争性奖学金, extracurricular activities, and academic criteria.

Agricultural Scholarships

一些农业奖学金将提供给首次入读查德伦州立学院的学生. 应用科学/农业有许多奖学金,他们授予大一及以上的学生. Return the scholarship application below by April 1st. Freshman Level Magowan Agriculture/Range Unit Scholarship Application

Art Scholarships
每年都有一些奖学金颁发给计划主修艺术的学生. 这些奖学金是根据艺术和创造能力颁发的, rather than financial need. 请提供艺术指导老师或校长的推荐信,证明你对艺术的兴趣和能力. Also, submit at least fifteen 35mm slides or color prints by mail, showing original artwork in a wide range of materials.
Music Scholarships
许多学费减免和助学金都授予攻读音乐学位的男女学生. 豁免和补助金由各部门主管自行决定. A separate application is required, Music Scholarship Information and Application
Theatre Scholarships
CSC的戏剧项目为计划参加或主修戏剧的学生颁发了一些助教奖学金. 这些助学金是根据戏剧能力颁发的,而不是经济需要. 戏剧助教奖学金将从以下渠道获得:学费减免, Memorial Scholarships, Foundation Assistantships, Fine Arts Assistantships.
AmeriCorps Scholarships
查德龙州立大学与美国服务队合作,提供两(2)个1500美元.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00美元一次性本科奖学金,提供给在查德隆州立学院全日制注册并完成美国志愿队服务期限的学生.  如需申请此奖学金,请联系START办公室
Transfer Student


  1. Apply for admission at Chadron State College
  2. Submit a digital copy of ALL college transcripts to:  CSC Admissions, 1000 Main Street, Chadron, NE 69337.
  3. 提交ACT或SAT成绩可能会为您提供额外的奖学金机会.
  4. 奖学金将优先考虑在3月1日之前完成申请流程的学生.

Merit Scholarship Requirements:

President Scholars
3.95 to 4.0 Cumulative unweighted GPA
Innovative Transfer Scholars
3.0 to 3.94 Cumulative unweighted GPA
State College Tuition Guarantee

The State College Tuition Guarantee 确保符合佩尔资格的居民和非居民学生可以免费就读查德伦州立大学. 这意味着收入在65,000美元或以下的家庭将有资格参加该计划. 该计划适用于学院的新本科生和转学生.

申请本科学位的合格大一新生和转学生将获得联邦助学金, state or private grants, college tuition scholarships, 或大学基金会奖学金,以填补佩尔助学金后留下的学费缺口. 国家大学担保不包括额外的费用,如食宿、书本费和其他费用. However, 在提供学费支持时,不考虑外部“外部”奖学金,这些奖学金可以用于支付这些额外费用. 

To qualify, students must:

  • 被指定为查德伦州立大学的新生或即将转学的新生
  • Be admitted to Chadron State College
  • Be Pell Grant eligible as determined by the FAFSA.
  • Please completed your FAFSA by April 1st 获得国家大学学费担保的优先考虑.
  • on or before April 1st to receive priority consideration. 
  • 每学期至少注册12个学分,包括一个或多个校内课程.

只要学生仍然符合佩尔资格,保证最多可续签四年, in good academic standing, and continues as a full-time on-campus student.

The State College Transfer Guarantee 是否有一个全面的项目为转学生消除了学术和经济障碍. Eliminating obstacles in awarding transfer credit 转学生继续完成四年制学位至关重要吗. 为所有经过认证的两年制院校的转学生扩大转学分的机会,允许这些学生转额外的学分, complete their four-year degrees in less time, and incur less debt.


Phi Theta Kappa

Recipients will receive a two-year tuition scholarship (amounts vary). Students must maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA to qualify for the renewal the second year. 学生必须具有副学士学位,累计平均绩点为3分.50 on a 4.0 scale from all colleges attended prior to attendance at CSC, 在社区大学春季毕业后的秋季学期,PTK会员证明和CSC全日制入学证明将被考虑为该奖项. There are a limited number of scholarships available each year.


Community College Tuition Waiver

The Community College tuition waiver is a $5,700 merit-based tuition waiver funded by Chadron State College, 但由与CSC达成协议的六所社区学院之一授予. If you are transferring to CSC from Eastern Wyoming College, Mid Plains Community College, Western Nebraska Community College, Casper College, Morgan Community College, and Northeastern Junior College. If you wish to be considered for this prestigious scholarship, 请访问你转学的社区大学的经济援助办公室申请. You must have a 3.0+ GPA to be considered. 

Career Scholarships

Awarded to Incoming Freshman and new Transfer Students

有18+ ACT成绩的学生计划主修以下领域之一将被考虑: 

  • Business Administration
  • Communication Arts
  • Education
  • Justice Studies
  • Rangeland Management

ACT/SAT成绩是必需的,职业奖学金的价值是每年2000 - 7000美元.


Davis-Chambers Transfer Scholarship

戴维斯-钱伯斯奖学金旨在表彰那些在学术上有前途的学生,他们经常发现高等教育的经济要求是一个主要障碍. The scholarship may be used for (tuition, room and board, or fees). 每个申请人都需要填写并提交一份免费的联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA)。. The scholarship is applied after all other aid.
戴维斯-钱伯斯奖学金是通过内布拉斯加州州立学院系统为内布拉斯加州社区学院的转学生提供的奖学金. 奖学金为期一学年(两个学期),在学业成功后可在下一学年续期, not to exceed four consecutive academic semesters, if completed within a total of two years. 奖学金获得者必须注册为全日制学生,每学期学习12学时或以上. 如果获奖者被停职或留校察看,该奖项将终止.  For more information and the application please go to Davis-Chambers Student Scholarship.  Scholarship Deadline February 1.

RHOP-Rural Health Opportunities Program

农村健康机会计划(RHOP)是一项由查德龙州立学院与美国卫生和社会服务部之间的合作协议 University of Nebraska Medical Center. 该计划的目的是招募和教育来自内布拉斯加州农村的高中生,他们将回到该州的农村地区实习. Please visit the RHOP Scholarship page for more information about this amazing opportunity. 

RBLI-Rural Business Leadership Initiative

农村商业领导计划的目的是为学生从事商业事业做好准备, 特别是在农村地区,并帮助该计划的毕业生在农村社区担任领导角色. Visit the RBLI Scholarship page for more information.

RLOP-Rural Law Opportunities Program

RLOP是一项由Chadron州立学院和内布拉斯加州大学法学院合作的项目,旨在招募未来的农村律师. 成功获得法律研究专业或辅修学士学位的申请人暂时被内布拉斯加州法学院录取. For more information, visit the CSC RLOP Scholarship Page

General CSC Scholarships, CSC Annual Scholarships, and CSC Endowments

For more information, please visit our Chadron State College Foundation page.
新入学学生的补充奖学金问卷将于11月15日提供th and should be completed by April 1 or as soon as possible.

查德龙州立学院根据学习领域提供各种竞争性奖学金, extracurricular activities, and academic criteria.


The following departmental scholarships require a separate application:

Agricultural Scholarships:
Magowan Agriculture
一些农业奖学金将提供给首次入读查德伦州立学院的学生. CSC基金会捐赠部门有关于所有CSC捐赠的信息. Magowan Agriculture Scholarship Information and Application.
Art Scholarships
每年都有一些奖学金颁发给计划主修艺术的学生. 这些奖学金是根据艺术和创造能力而不是经济需要颁发的. 请提供艺术指导老师或校长的推荐信,证明你对艺术的兴趣和能力. 同时提交至少15张35mm幻灯片或彩色印刷品,通过邮件展示各种材料的原创作品.
Art Department Application
Music Scholarships:
许多学费减免和助学金都授予攻读音乐学位的男女学生. 豁免和补助金由各部门主管自行决定. A separate application is required, please follow the following link:  Music Contact Information and Application
Social Science Scholarships:
The Allen & Sara Shepherd History Scholarship
奖学金每年颁发给对历史感兴趣的学生. Application materials may be secured from Dr. Joel Hyer at any time after the beginning of the spring semester. The completed application must be returned by March 1. The Committee will determine the recipient based on Dr. James Margett's recommendation. Half of the award will be given the first week of fall semester; the second half will be given the first week of spring semester. 
Theatre Scholarships:
CSC的戏剧项目为计划参加或主修戏剧的学生颁发了一些助教奖学金. 这些助学金是根据戏剧能力颁发的,而不是经济需要. 戏剧助教奖学金将从以下渠道获得:学费减免, Memorial Scholarships, Foundation Assistantships, Fine Arts Assistantships. Click here for the application.

AmeriCorps Scholarships
查德龙州立大学与美国服务队合作,提供两(2)个1500美元.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00美元一次性本科奖学金,提供给在查德隆州立学院全日制注册并完成美国志愿队服务期限的学生.  如需申请此奖学金,请联系START办公室
Graduate Student
Chadron州立学院为研究生项目提供以下奖学金.  所有研究生都自动被考虑获得这些奖学金。.  

Dr. Earl Strohbehn Memorial - Graduate
奖学金提供给攻读教育学学位的研究生. Financial need is a strong basis for scholarship consideration.

AmeriCorps Scholarships
查德龙州立大学与美国服务队合作,提供两(2)个1500美元.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00美元一次性本科奖学金,提供给在查德隆州立学院全日制注册并完成美国志愿队服务期限的学生.  如需申请此奖学金,请联系START办公室
Current Student
在读学生不需要提交普通奖学金申请. 所有中国留学基金委在校生均可根据地域考虑获得一般奖学金, academic and/or income criteria. 

General CSC Scholarships, CSC Annual Scholarships, and CSC Endowments
For more information, please visit our Chadron State College Foundation page.
Scholarships that require a separate application/form:
Nebraska Cooperative Council
内布拉斯加州合作委员会教育基金会将为大二学生提供奖学金, 农业综合专业大三或大四,视资金情况而定. Students must have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or above. 申请资格仅限于已成为会员的父母/法定监护人的儿子/女儿, director, 或至少在前三年(3)个合作社的雇员,该合作社已成为理事会的良好成员至少五(5)年. A separate application is required, visit for details. Deadline to apply: April 15.
Art Scholarships
每年都有一些奖学金颁发给计划主修艺术的学生. 这些奖学金是根据艺术和创造能力而不是经济需要颁发的. 请提供艺术指导老师或校长的推荐信,证明你对艺术的兴趣和能力. 同时提交至少15张35mm幻灯片或彩色印刷品,通过邮件展示各种材料的原创作品.

Art Department Application

Music Scholarships
许多学费减免和助学金都授予攻读音乐学位的男女学生. 豁免和补助金由各部门主管自行决定. A separate application is required, please follow the following link: 
Music Contact Information and Application
Theatre Scholarships
CSC的戏剧项目为计划参加或主修戏剧的学生颁发了一些助教奖学金. 这些助学金是根据戏剧能力颁发的,而不是经济需要. 戏剧助教奖学金将从以下渠道获得:学费减免, Memorial Scholarships, Foundation Assistantships, Fine Arts Assistantships. Click here for an application.

AmeriCorps Scholarships
查德龙州立大学与美国服务队合作,提供两(2)个1500美元.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00美元一次性本科奖学金,提供给在查德隆州立学院全日制注册并完成美国志愿队服务期限的学生.  如需申请此奖学金,请联系START办公室
General CSC Scholarship Applications
Incoming Freshman
请在11月15日的MyCSC待办事项列表中查找CSC补充奖学金问卷. Priority date of completion is July 31st.  The following scholarships have separate applications and deadlines, click the links for more information:
New Transfer Students
请在11月15日的MyCSC待办事项列表中查看CSC奖学金问卷.  Priority date of completion is July 31st.  The following scholarships have separate applications and deadlines, click the links for more information:
Graduate Students
所有CSC研究生将根据地理位置自动考虑所有奖学金, academic and income criteria.  No additional application is needed.
Current Students
所有目前的CSC学生将根据地理位置自动考虑获得普通奖学金, academic and income criteria.*在读学生通常会在春季学期收到获奖通知. Scholarships with specific applications/criteria are listed below.

Many students pay for college with the help of Outside Scholarships. 请查看有关报告的重要外部奖学金信息, sending the awards to CSC, and enrollment verification.

If you receive scholarships, grants, tuition waiver assistance, veteran's benefits, or any other assistance through an agency or organization other than CSC, 你必须向START办公室报告这笔援助,这样它就可以包含在你的总经济援助计划中 CSC Outside Scholarship Notification Form.

NOTE: 奖学金金额将在两个学期平均分配,除非捐助方/机构另有规定. 如果支票是特定期限的,请确保在支票的备注栏上注明.

支票抬头只能是“Chadron State College”,并在支票备注栏写上学生的名字.

Please have scholarship checks sent to:
Chadron State College
Attn: Financial Aid
1000 Main St.
Chadron, NE 69337

As a financial aid recipient, 法律要求您将从外部机构或组织收到的所有资源通知CSC. 如果您在颁奖年度的任何时间从其他机构或组织获得额外的奖项, 我们可能需要调整你的联邦学生经济援助奖励,或者你可能需要退还一部分联邦学生经济援助.

你有兴趣通过陆军后备军官训练队扩大你的职业机会吗? Please visit our ROTC Scholarships page to learn more about how Army ROTC can help you pay for college, while serving in a fulfilling program.